Bonerbo Funds Gillingshill Nature Reserve Revamp.

As part of our community benefit scheme, a Windfarm we manage down in fife has given funds to support the Friends of Gillingshill Charity to revamp the much loved Nature Reserve. The locals of Arncroach and the surrounding area use the Reserve for walking dogs and soaking up the fresh air.

Over the years the Nature Reserve has become unloved and unkept. The Friends of Gillingshill have plans in place to revamp the space and create a beautiful walk and green space that is one with Nature. A place where adults and children can enjoy. The charity have plans to add picnic benches to the area and tidy up the walkway paths.

The funds from Bonerbo Windfarm are going to support them to purchase the benches. Helga, who we met with on the 21st of February showed us all the work they have planned and what has already been done. The grass space has been planted with lots of different flowers, all which are good for the soil and they have also use the grass they cut to create bales. Also known as the Reserves 'Bee bales', apparently the Bee's like to live in them.

We are excited to see the project unfold and see the real beauty of the reserve as everything starts to bloom in summer.


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